When you think of low and slow BBQ many would say Texas Style Smoked Brisket is a top choice. The whole packer can feed a small army. It's the perfect choice for a large (socially distanced) gathering. Or fire it up for the family and have leftovers for days.
Check out these online butchers for cuts of brisket!
What is Texas Style Beef Brisket?
Point, Flat, Packer?
The Texas style beef brisket is a whole packer cut which includes the point and the flat. Most whole packers will be at least 8-10 pounds or more. Make sure you don't pick up a corned beef brisket by mistake. It is traditionally made with a salt and pepper rub and cooked low and slow at 220 degrees. The end result is a crust that is very dark and almost looks like it's been burned. Inside that dark bark is tender, juicy and flavorful meat. The exterior meat isn't burnt (unless it was cooked wrong) but a favorite part for myself and many others is the "burnt ends". Check out this article from Feast Magazine on burnt on how ends became popular. The actually started in Kansas City at Legendary Arthur Bryant's restaurant.
First time cooking a Brisket? It's an expensive cut of meat, my recommendation would be to start with the flat or point. It will be an easier cook and less expensive. Which ever cut you choose you will still get the Brisket flavor and it will be great to practice on before you go for the whole packer.
Here are the best prices per lb, sorted by cut and and grade notated.